Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
August Board Meeting
VRCF Board Meeting
August 16, 2022 – VRCF Field
Attendance – 5. 3 board members missing
Savings 2,289.24
Checking 4,744.08
Cash 100.00
Pay Pal 257.69
Total $7,391.01
President: Dean Gary
Vice President: Mark Pueppke
Secretary: Ron Landman
Treasurer: Ryan Johnson
Safety Officer: Kevin Paulson
Board member at large 1: Tyler Vetter
Board member at large 2: Steve Faeth
Advocate: Ken Littlefield
Fun Fly financials:
Fun fly expenses
Kitchen Supplies $200.00
Hornbachers $321.18
Dean Gary prizes and food $450.00
Andrew Ochoa prizes $200.00
fun fly income
Registration and raffle +1 dues $2,464.00
Lunch $430.00
net gain
Monthly Bills:
recent expenses
Jiffy Jon's $94.00
Waste Management $86.46
Red River CO-OP Power $64.29
Gas $60.18
mower hoses $192.63
Total $497.56
Garbage collection has been changed to once/month to save money.
We had on about 30 people for dinner. So, ordering for 50 was way too much. We discussed that some people do not stay for dinner but would like to have lunch included instead. We could give a discount for those not staying for dinner. We did not conclude what to do next year.
Someone contacted the club to donate RC items that were found in a construction dumpster. Ron will try to sell them and give money to the club.
Indoor flying for the winter.
Steve found we can rent the TC Soccer bubble (old golf bubble) – March 25th, 2023 9-4, $970. We decided to have him go ahead and reserve it.
Also we can get 1/3 or 2/3 of the soccer bubble attached to arena in West Fargo for $55/h for each third. Steve set up 5 tentative dates. We can cancel withing 24 hours with no charge. We think we might want to charge a per time fee and offer a season pass for a discounted amount. The passes could give us some up-front money to work with. The per time would work for some who know they will only be able to come 1 or 2 times.
November 5,December 10,January 7,February 11,march 4
So, $825 for 5 dates of 3 hours. Reserved but not locked in. Can cancel 24 hours prior. That’s $165/date.
We can run cost models to see how much to charge for individual or season passes.
We need to put together info sheet on it to help gauge the interest. Maybe guys from Grand Forks would come down?
Member dues
We might need to raise dues since we have only 38 paid members this year and costs for everything continue to rise. Ryan ran model with dues raised from $75 to $100 /year. Leaving $10 discounts in place for early payment and seniors. This raises our income from dues from $2,120 to $2,915. No action was taken on the dues at this meeting.
Comment: It might be helpful to mail out renewal notices to get more response and more timely response.